Autumn is upon us; the nights are drawing in and there is frost on the ground. Many of you will be thinking towards December and beyond and looking to fully prepare your farm for the suspect arctic conditions heading to the UK this winter. We have compiled a list of tips to be mindful while preparing for the Winter. Take into to consideration measures such as fixing dripping taps to ensure that water does not drip and freeze causing blocked the pipes, make sure pipes are properly insulated. This should help stop these kinds of problems Happening. It could be a good idea for livestock farmers, to inspect troughs and drain and any that aren’t in use. If cattle are inside, you could try turning off the supply to the trough at the meter. Have a plan in place in case something does go wrong. Have contact details of a plumber handy in case a pipe bursts Livestock can cope with lowering temperatures if they have access to plenty of food and water. Making sure...